Glossybox September – All You Need For Fall


It’s officially Fall, and my Glossybox arrived just in time. The leaves are starting to turn from green to red and gold, the knee-high boots and cashmere sweaters came out of storage and are starting to roam the streets. Everywhere I turn I’m starting to catch a glimpse of tailored trench coats or a knot scarf, and I’m breaking it all out.

With the inspiration in the air, this month’s box focuses on all you need to update your look. From creating smoky eyes, amazing scents, larger than life lashes and the thickest and fullest hair you can imagine. With all the items I will outline below, I’m ready to start the new season as my most fashionable self.

Here is what I received:

  1. BCBG Maxazria  Bon Genre Perfume – It has a very seductive scent, reminds me of an urban rocker chic. I love it, nice and deep for the Fall. Worth $75.00
  2. Be a Bombshell eyeliner pen in Onyx – The marker like tip goes on nicely so you can master the cat eye look. It’s long-lasting, and waterproof. Worth $14.00
  3. Emite Eyelash Curler – I’ve been itching to try a new one, and this arrived just in time. It has a special curved design that angles to suit all eye shapes and curls perfectly.  Worth $30.50
  4. Nioxin Diamax Treatment – I’ve used this in the past and love it. But, it became a little pricey for me. I’m so excited that I received the full size in this month’s box. It literally has caffeine in it, and increases the fullness of any hair type. It also strengthens your locks.  Worth $50.00
  5. Oceane Makeup Pen Remover – I never used a product like this, so I’m intrigued to try it. The tip of the pen has a liquid that is perfect for removing excess makeup during your application. It’s great to carry around with you during the day for touch ups.  Worth $5.30

So there you go, Glossybox came through again this month by providing me products I’m excited to use. Just in time for Fall!


my sig

One thought on “Glossybox September – All You Need For Fall

  1. Pingback: Glossybox September 2013 | Pretty in the East

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